The Art and Practice of Moving...

In my own practice I became aware of the power of cultivating practice that my body looks forward to doing, enjoys while I’m doing it and that leaves me feeling amazing after I have done it.

For myself, I want a practice that will allow me to develop and maintain a pain free, mobile and high functioning body as I age.

While other people are getting hip and knee replacements I want to be out dancing and hiking up mountains. That’s a goal I am excited to invest time and energy in achieving…especially when it feels so great to do.

By training in this way I no longer need to push myself, our use my willpower to exercise, simply because moving feels so good to do that not moving makes no sense.

A freedom and a joy has come into my movement experience that I want to share with the world. Truly it doesn’t have to hurt.

And here is the amazing thing, the more aligned, mobile, aware and coordinated I become in my body through this playful and creative approach, the more capacity I discovered for high intensity training.

There is a place for high intensity training….it comes after we have laid the foundations of awareness, mobility, coordination and posture.