“As I contemplated my art practice this morning —where each individual portrait is a physical/visual record of my investment of practice, I was gifted an idea I would have certainly tried / executed if I were still teaching young people the martial arts:
I would order some attractive pea gravel or decorative (small) stones —and at the end of every practice I would have the kids stand in a line to say goodbye —and I’d place one of these little stones in their hands.
I’d encourage them to place them in a big jar, so that they (and others) might better understand how each of those practice sessions accumulate. Each is light and small individually, but over time the cumulative practice becomes…something all together different.”
This is a reprint from my mentor Tom Callos. He’s an Artist that’s also a Martial Artist.
It was just a simple IG post but I thought it deserved a blog post someplace so it wouldn’t get totally washed away in the stream.